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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

This year, Canadians all over celebrate the 142nd anniversary of Confederation. Canada Day – Fête du Canada, which was once known as Dominion Day – Le Jour de la Confédération. The name was changed on October 27, 1982. This day is also frequently referred to as "Canada's birthday", especially by the press.

The occasion of Canada Day,
"marks the joining of the British North American colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada into a federation of four provinces (the Province of Canada being divided, in the process, into Ontario and Quebec) on 1 July 1867." - Source.

On June 20, in 1868, a proclamation was signed by the Governor General, Lord Monck. He called upon Her Majesty's subjects in Canada to celebrate the anniversary forming the union of the Provinces, known as Canada on July 1st.

I can't help but think of my family members who are Canadian and still reside in various parts of Canada. Some of them live in British Columbia while a majority of the others are located in various cities and small towns within Ontario.

Thinking about my Great Aunt J on her farm in the little town of Tweed makes me smile. I imagine the main street (that only has a flashing traffic signal) is probably lined with flags. The place we ate breakfast while we visited back in 2004 is most likely filled with locals, or perhaps even closed because of the holiday. I wonder if the Riverside Lanes Bowling Alley that we played Five-Pin in is busy today. Riverside only has 6 lanes, so that does limit the amount of people playing at one time, but they also have a pool table or two, a Foosball table and some arcade games.

I think we gave that owner more business in two days than he had seen in quite a while. Granted we bowled two or three games, bought some hand-flavored frozen custard and played a few songs on the jukebox while we were there. If you ever get the chance to play, I suggest you do. The game is a lot of fun, but it's not easy!

I couldn't find pictures that we took while we were there, but here are some from the Bowling Depot in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to give you an idea.

Image source.

The pins we played with had rubber bumpers or bands around their middles, and they also had cables connected to their tops (a string pinsetter). When you finished a round, the cables would pull the pins straight up and then lower them back down in their correct positions.

Image source.

The balls themselves don't have any holes and are only about 3 to 3.5 pounds each. Small enough for you to hold in one hand. They're a little larger than Bocce balls, but the size concept is very much the same.

I'll leave you with a video I found that shows 5-Pin. You'll be able to see how 5-Pin is similar, yet different to "normal" bowling.

2 thoughtful comments:

Chris H said...

Have a lovely CANADA DAY! That game of 5-pins sure looks fun... but hard to bowl 5 over when they are spaced so far apart.
I have an Aunt and Uncle and cousins in Calgary too!
Hopefully one day I will get to visit them.. but NOT in winter! They say it is dreadfully cold in winter. I hate being cold! *smiles*

Hol said...

Thank you Chris! 5-Pin is fun, but you do make a lot of single pins and some tough spreads. ;) You have family in Calgary? I hear it's beautiful in that area. If you ever get to visit (in the spring or summer of course), make sure to take some photos and share on your blog. Have a great day!

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