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Monday, August 3, 2009

There's Still Time To Help

Do you remember your summer vacations as a kid? I can! We played outside all day, making a homemade Slip-n-Slide, eating as many popsicles as our moms would let us, riding bikes, rollerskating, and playing at a friend's house. Did you ever go to a water park? How about visiting the zoo? Each one cost money, and thankfully our parents were able to pay so we could do those things.

How about the children who can't do those things? What if they don't have enough money? Don't you think they should be able to still have a fun summer?

I say yes, of course they should!

You can still help provide free summer vacations to children in NYC through The Fresh Air Fund.

This made me smile.

For more information on The Fresh Air Fund, you can call 1-800-367-0003, or visit them at these online locations:

The Fresh Air Fund - Homepage

Facebook - The Fresh Air Fund on Facebook

Twitter - The Fresh Air Fund on Twitter

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