Our little ones

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm So Excited

and I just can't hide it.

I called my grandparents recently to let them know J and I would be visiting for Easter. They were happy to hear about this. This may not make sense now, it will shortly.

After dinner, I checked my email to see if I had gotten a response about a project I'm working on. I saw that I had a few emails, one from a client and another from my sister, C.

I checked them both, quickly answering the client's question and then moving on to the message from C.

She told me which birth announcement they had decided on, which you can see here (names are changed of course).

Then I continued to read the message in which she said,

Drumroll please

"The latest version with the color pic is great. Hey, did you talk with Mom/Dad lately? I'm coming with A to visit Grandparents for the weekend (Easter). See you soon!!! xoxo"

[double take]

Honestly, I had to reread the message to fully comprehend what she wrote.

I get to see my new niece and my sister!

I'm just too cute!

Trust me when I say, you would have laughed at me.

That's because I almost screamed at the computer screen, and then I ran to tell J the news. He was on the phone, so I agonized over this new information until he was finished with the conversation.

Z getting some help feeding his sister, A.

Seriously. I sat back down, got the final files for A's birth announcement ready to send, and bounced my legs like I had just finished drinking a full pot of coffee.

I need to give this little girl some auntie love.

Sweet big brother Z.

A, telling us what she really thinks.

J and I are both excited to see C and A. Unfortunately P (brother-in-law) and nephew Z won't be able to visit. I know it will be hard enough for C to travel with a baby. Maybe next time they can both take off work and come, with the kiddos.

Now if you would, excuse me. I'm off to go dream about holding my niece for the first time.

4 thoughtful comments:

Ann(ie) said...

Oooooooh.....yaaaaaaaaaayeeeee!!!! You lucky lucky lucky girl. Those are some beautiful munchkins. Give them kisses from your crazy online friend Annie. xo.

glee said...

Wow! You'll have to calm your grandparents down, too! They will be thrilled to see you all. I'm so glad you'll all be there at the same time. Maybe C can get a little extra sleep since she'll have help holding A!

I think the announcments are cute, but all of your announcements/cards, etc. are terrific!

Thanks for the update! Give them all a special hug and kiss from me!

Marcia said...

Yay!!!! I am very excited to see my sister and her kids this weekend and I just saw them 2 weeks ago. I can only imagine how excited you are. Enjoy every second of your niece and sister you can!

Jennifer said...

That's so exciting! I'm so glad my sister moved closer so I can see them more often. Enjoy the time you have with them!!

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